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Week of 12/23 weightlifting program week 4

Writer: Coach Josh SquyresCoach Josh Squyres

Monday Snatch deadlift + snatch off platform 5x2+2 75-80% Snatch pull off platform 3 second pause at shin 5x3 90% Overhead squat 4x8 moderate weight Bench press 4x10 add weight  Hyperextension 3x15 with weight Tuesday Back squat 4x8 65-75% Dips 5x5 110-130% Rdl 4x10 moderate Bent over row 5x12 Wednesday Jerks off block 3 second pause in squat, 3 second pause in catch 5x2 65-75% Jerk Drives 5x5 110-120% Overhead tricep extension 3x20 Dips 3x10-15 Sit-up 3x20-30 Thursday Rest Friday Monday Clean deadlift + clean off platform 5x2+2 75-80% Clean pull off platform 3 second pause at shin 5x3 85% Clean grip overhead squat 4x8 moderate weight Military press 4x10 add weight Good morning 3x10 Saturday Front squat 5x7 65-75% Front squat Dips 5x7 110-130% Snatch grip rdl 3x10 moderate Unsupported dumbbell row 5x10 Sunday Rest


Character: Give your all.  When you fall, get back up.

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